
Mar 20, 2016

Obama's Historic Visit to Cuba

US President Barack Obama arrived for the historic visit to Cuba. Obama, who visited Cuba was 88 years after the first US president. Prior to the visit the two countries made reciprocal gestures.

US-Cuba relations have taken a very important step today. Obama, 88 years later, he became the first US president to visit Cuba.

Obama and his family are carrying the Air Force One aircraft was taking off from Andrews Air Force Base. Accompanied by senators and deputies, as well as some of Obama's family about three hours after the journey, he arrived in Cuba's capital, Havana.

US President Obama to visit Cuba also accompanied by many businessmen.

Obama's visit 2.5 days, intensive preparations were made in Havana. US flags next to the Cuban flag was hung. Cuban cleared painted around the building. However, very few Cubans are expected to see Obama.

Cuban President Raul Castro was due to visit the city almost closed.

Obama, the first after nearly 50 years together last year in Havana for three days to visit the US embassy reopened the establishment of diplomatic relations, where will meet with embassy staff and their families.

The Revolution Palace on Monday will meet with Cuban President Raul Castro, Obama will attend a dinner here and will be given the honor at an event on entrepreneurship.

Barack Obama will deliver a speech on Tuesday, he also called on the Cuban people and will meet with representatives of civil society organizations.
Obama family will then watch the exhibition match between the Cuban national baseball team, the Tampa Bay Rays team. US President Barack Obama will leave the country to go to the same day in Argentina.
GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies Director Bert Hoffmann, "a historic event for the people of Obama's visit. Especially the elderly, 'You could live in,' they say, "he said.
US President Calvin Coolidge in 1928, the most recent period had come to Cuba on a battleship. Obama and Castro now wants to bury the entire history of hostility to the ground.

Mutual gestures

Prior to the visit came some symbolic gestures. Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodrigues Parrila, on March 18 announced that it would no longer taking fees from the transfer of money to be made from the United States.

It received 10 percent of the value of money sent application fees in 2004 was launched by the government of Havana. The abolition of tuition fees, will help increase the income of many Cubans who depend financially from their relatives in the United States.

The US citizens who visited Cuba in the future will have the right to call a regular job or a bank account. After 48 years of postal service between the two countries it was also restarted. In addition, Obama lifted some sanctions against Cuba prior to the visit. 

Cuba specialist Hoffmann, "in Havana in the last 1.5 years, things have changed for more than 50 years," he says. ensure the development of the economy of the United States said that the influx of visitors Hoffmann, "hope to continue this development: More and more Internet, more dollars and more visitors," he said.

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